About Us

What is NA?

NA is a non-profit fellowship or society of men and women for whom drugs had become a major problem. We are recovering addicts who meet regularly to help each other stay clean. This is a program of complete abstinence from all drugs. There is only one requirement for membership, the desire to stop using. We suggest that you keep an open mind and give yourself a break. Our program is a set of principles written so simply that we can follow them in our daily lives. The most important thing about them is that they work.

There are no strings attached to NA. We are not affiliated with any other organisations. We have no initiation fees or dues, no pledges to sign, no promises to make to anyone. We are not connected with any political, religious, or law enforcement groups, and are under no surveillance at any time. Anyone may join us regardless of age, race, sexual identity, creed, religion, or lack of religion.

We are not interested in what or how much you used or who your connections were, what you have done in the past, how much or how little you have, but only in what you want to do about your problem and how we can help. The newcomer is the most important person at any meeting, because we can only keep what we have by giving it away. We have learned from our group experience that those who keep coming to our meetings regularly stay clean.


For more updates about ours and  information from other online groups
please see our GROUP NEWS page 

Our Groups welcome addicts from anywhere in the world who wish to attend meetings of Narcotics Anonymous online

We are virtual meeting of Narcotics Anonymous  that are held in audio only. In order to attend online you will need to have access to a computer, laptop or a suitably equipped mobile device or phone, be online 

All our meetings are marked as being  Closed* or Open* meetings by a C or an O in the individual meeting format code on the meetings list

*Closed meetings are only for those who identify as addicts
*Open meetings can be attended by anyone, although sharing is restricted only to those who identify as addicts. 

To attend one of our groups online simply click on the  link adjacent to the meeting you wish to attend from the list below and follow the links.

“The meeting times are based on local device time. Using  the 24 Hour Clock”

Our meetings take place on:

Meetings: Fetching... 

For more detailed information on how to attend  our meetings online please go to our Guidelines Page HERE 
To attend our  meetings using a mobile phone or landline please go HERE

For more information about NA and it’s members please refer to What to Expect at You First NA Meeting pamphlet ( PDF format).

For fellowship guidance and information about Social Media and the NA Member please see Social Media and Our Guiding Principles:

For fellowship guidance and information on common interest meetings such as men’s, women’s, gay or others please see the   WORLD SERVICE BOARD OF TRUSTEES Bulletin #18  

For fellowship guidance and information on attending NA meetings while on maintenance programs or if you are still using drugs then please see the  WORLD SERVICE BOARD OF TRUSTEES BULLETIN #29 regarding Methadone and Other Drug Replacement Programs

If you require more information about the Highlands & Islands group of NA or help attending our meetings please contact us via our  ‘Contact Us’ page by following this link:  HERE

To download a copy of our New 2022 informational flyer in jpg format for printing please click HERE  For the PDF version please go HERE

If you are struggling with drug addiction or need to speak to someone about Narcotics Anonymous in the UK now please call the UKNA Helpline on 0300 999 1212   (10.00 am  to midnight 7 days a week.)

Please note that Narcotics Anonymous is fully self supporting from our own contributions and is therefore unable to accept donations from Non Members.
Our 7th Tradition states that: “Every NA group ought to be fully self-supporting, declining outside contributions.”
We would ask that you might respect our Traditions and decline from making donations if you are not a member of Narcotics Anonymous many thanks.

QR Code for HIGNA Contributions

(In accordance with our 6th Tradition-“An NA group ought never endorse, finance, or lend the NA name to any related facility or outside enterprise, lest problems of money, property, or prestige divert us from our primary purpose.”  Links from this websites pages to third-party sites do not constitute an endorsement of those parties or their products and services. The appearance on those Web sites of advertisements, products or service information does not constitute an endorsement by us, of those products and services.)